WIP news
Yeah, project is still alive, even more - it is growing very fast from now on!
I've just started work on LifeGame - it is a game engine. It would connect together LifeEngine, physical engine, AI, input and sound systems! Of course it would contain built-in entity system, which would allow user to build new game entities from scratch for a minimal time!
Artificial Intelligence would be based on the LUA scripts to gain more flexibility and save user's nervous ; ) from recompiling engine again and again!
Some engine updates:
[*] New scene graph! It has been rewritten from scratch! Not it is much more flexible and efficient : )
[*] Fixed weird bug with SMD skeletal animation!
[*] Fixed really weird bug with a passing floating point constant to the shader!
[*] Rewritten all "controllers" stuff. You'll be able to read about it in the LifeEngine manual.
[+] Added support for multiple lights. (Not one light source, like i said in my previous post.). All lighting is now dynamicall.
[+] Base software renderer has been implemented! From now on, LifeEngine can render 2D/3D geometry without any hardware acceleration! But software renderer is still pre-alpha version!
Software renderer implemented features:
1. Point, Line, Triangle rasterization
2. Texturing
3. Basic directional lighting
4. Z-Buffer testing
5. Alpha blending, Alpha test