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WIP news

Posted by Team lead - Heihachi on October 26'th, 2009  | 

Yeah, project is still alive, even more - it is growing very fast from now on!

I've just started work on LifeGame - it is a game engine. It would connect together LifeEngine, physical engine, AI, input and sound systems! Of course it would contain built-in entity system, which would allow user to build new game entities from scratch for a minimal time!
Artificial Intelligence would be based on the LUA scripts to gain more flexibility and save user's nervous ; ) from recompiling engine again and again!

Some engine updates:
[*] New scene graph! It has been rewritten from scratch! Not it is much more flexible and efficient : )
[*] Fixed weird bug with SMD skeletal animation!
[*] Fixed really weird bug with a passing floating point constant to the shader!
[*] Rewritten all "controllers" stuff. You'll be able to read about it in the LifeEngine manual.
[+] Added support for multiple lights. (Not one light source, like i said in my previous post.). All lighting is now dynamicall.
[+] Base software renderer has been implemented! From now on, LifeEngine can render 2D/3D geometry without any hardware acceleration! But software renderer is still pre-alpha version!

Software renderer implemented features:
1. Point, Line, Triangle rasterization
2. Texturing
3. Basic directional lighting
4. Z-Buffer testing
5. Alpha blending, Alpha test

New release date

Posted by Team lead - Heihachi on July 25'th, 2009  | 

Last few weeks i had a shit load of work, so, no news, no demos, no release...

Fortunately, now i have a lot of time to make finishing touches to my engine and give it to the public.
I suppose, 1'st August i'll finally release my engine.
Some engine updates:
[+] Added SMD (Half-Life 1,2) model format support.
[+] Added GPU skinned animation (only! no software skeletal animation)
[+] Added animation controller (mixer)
[*] I don't use now matrices for skeletal animation. Moved to quaternions, which produce much more smooth and correct animation.

[-] Found bug with computing tangent space on models.
[-] Bug - only one light source (sun) can only be used.. emm o_O strange.
[-] Bug - instancing working reeeally strange - big geometry artefacts
[-] Bug - ShadowMaps works not really correct. Only one small region of map
[-] Bug - strange unknown exception while setting up SkyShader constant

First alpha release is coming...

Posted by Team lead - Heihachi on June 21'st, 2009  | 

After a few months of the LifeEngine coding (with 1-year gap - i was in army),i finally want to show it up to the public. It isn't so powerful, robust, filled of features but it is only beginning! : ) It is my first 3D project, so, don't kick my ass too hard, hah, i'm just training : P

So, 26'rd June, 2009 i'm planning to build my first alpha release and post it on these site. If you want, you can check a Downloads page and download it for your own use. It is absolutely free, you can use it any way you want but only binary files would be posted. Source code would be unavailable untill beta release.

If you would have any questions of using LifeEngine or you'll find a bug, we'll be glad, if you'll male us.
Happy coding!

Welcome to the Life Engine official WEB site

Posted by Team lead - Heihachi on June 21'st, 2009  | 

Welcome to the our LifeEngine official WEB site. Today is the first day it run. Today i've oficially started my project and i'm really happy! Heh.

From now on, if you are familiar with C# programming laguage (and DirectX®9) or you are art person - 3D modelling, texturing, level design, if you want to join our team, you can go to the Contact us page and send a mail to me. If we can, we'll be glad to see you as a member of our team.

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